Submissions to the Congress are only long abstracts of 400-600 words.

All authors must register, but only one of them must submit the abstract.

An author will also need to submit a slideshow or video of his/her submission.

Read all the information in this section!

1. Editing rules


  • Online (asynchronous: with pre-recorded video or with slides).
  • Face-to-face (depending on time and space conditions, face-to-face presentations may be transferred to the online mode; the contact author will be notified in good time).

For any modality:

  • Language: English, Spanish or Catalan.
  • The duration cannot exceed 10 minutes.

  • Each author may appear in a maximum of 3 contributions.



    The topic is the Educational Artificial Intelligence (EAI).  The works submitted must be related to this topic.

    The works from any scientific field can be submitted, as long as they are related to EAI: both from the Arts and Humanities, as well as from the Sciences, Health Sciences, Social and Legal Sciences and Engineering and Architecture.

    We welcome works addressing both the design and technological development of AI-based solutions, as well as their implementation, evaluation, and analysis in educational contexts.

    Some examples are: Human-Computer Interaction, Face-to-Face Learning, Online and Hybrid Learning, Educational Assessment and Guidance, Technology in Education, Media and Training, Health and Education, Higher Education, Engineering Education, Learning Analytics, Virtual Platforms, Robotics in Education, Social Robotics, Industrial Robotics and Learning, STEAM, Diversity in Education, Learning and Play, Innovation.


    Contributions can be:

    • Presentation of academic research in general, in progress or completed.

    • Presentation of experiences in centers, universities, institutions…, in progress or completed.

    • Presentation of R&D&i projects, in progress or completed.

    • Case Study, in progress or completed.
    • Presentation of published scientific articles.

    • PhD Research, in progress or completed.
    • Non-Academic Contributions (product demostrations, exhibitor opportunities, etc.)

    2. Phases for submitting and presenting a contribution

    Phase 1:

    Rules for preparing your submission…


    • All authors must be registred for the Congress (is free).

    • The text submitted will be an abstract between 400 and 600 words, without citations or bibliographic references. A single URL may be included, if applicable.

    • The text must be written in a single paragraph. No line breaks, bullets or sections may be used.
    • One of the following templates must be used:


    An author must complete the following form with all the details of the submission:

    From submission to publication of Proceedings…

    • Contribution selection notifications will be sent out to contact author.
    • All works will be double-blind peer reviewed by members of the congress committees.
    • Abstracts can be rejected due to a poor standard of language. If that language is not first language, your paper must be checked by a native speaker.
    • Abstracts that are accepted will be published in the open access congress proceedings providing all authors complete registration. The congress proceedings is available online published with an ISBN at University of Alicante Institutional Repository

    Phase 2:

    How to prepare your contribution for the Congress?

    1. You must send your slide presentation before the Congress and you must use the next template, regardless of the modality (face-to-face or online).

    (If you are going to present online:)

    2. You must create a video. Your face may or may not appear (in this case, it would be a voice-over). The duration cannot exceed 10 minutes. Language: English, Spanish or Catalan.

    3. You must publish the video in Google Drive or Youtube (or similar) openly.

    (If you are going to present face-to-face:)

    2. You must publish the presentation of slides in Google Drive (or similar) openly.

    3. You should not create a video.

    4. (For all) you must register your video or slideshow via the following link:

    Phase 3:

    How to present your work at the Congress…

    (If you are going to present online:)

    • Your video will be included in the virtual Congress website.
    • From this website, attendees will be able to watch your video throughout the Congress.
    • Thus, there are no synchronous sessions, i.e. you will not have to make a presentation on a specific day and time.
    • Forums will be available for those who wish to participate.
    • It will be mandatory for each virtual participant to participate at least once in the forums.

    (If you are going to present face-to-face:)

    • Your slideshow will be included in the virtual congress website.
    • You will receive information by e-mail about the day and time you will have to present your work at the physical Congress.
    • You must be in the room 15 minutes beforehand.
    • The Organising Committee will download your slideshow from the virtual Congress website.
    • With this slideshow you will present your paper in person.
    • It is not compulsory to participate in the forums.